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Vice-president of University of Wales Trinity Saint David visits Lanzhou University

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On the afternoon of Mar 10, Zhu Wei, vice-president of University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), and his colleague visited Lanzhou University (LZU). Li Yumin, vice-president of LZU, met and chaired a talk with them, which was also attended by heads of LZU’s Office of International Cooperation and Exchange.


Li extended a warm welcome to the British guests, saying that he was positive about the inter-university partnership, which has opened a new chapter of exchange between the two sides. He hoped that the two universities would continue to carry out substantive cooperation in student exchanges, talent cultivation, and mutual visits by faculty and administration. He also proposed far-sighted suggestions for the construction of joint education and overseas education programs.


Zhu made an introduction to UWTSD, especially its disciplines, programs, internationalization plans and international cooperation projects available. He also put forward constructive suggestions for joint education in terms of majors and talent cultivation modes.


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