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兰州大学第二期"Thursday Salon",等你加入

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Invitation to the “Thursday Salon” on December 21st

冬至将至,数九隆冬之时,你是否想手捧热咖啡,足不出户地领略世界各国文化?你是否希望与来自不同国家的老师进行跨文化交流?你是否期待体验沉浸式的国际化交流氛围?欢迎加入第二期“Thursday Salon”

The coming “Thursday Salon” will kick off on Thursday afternoon of December 21s in the Zhihui Space on the second floor of Students Activity Center in Chengguan Campus. Welcome to join us for a gathering on cross-cultural communication and a tour for globally diverse culture.

本期活动将以主题分享+自由交流的形式举行。活动分享主题为“Why go abroad?”,邀请到6位中外师生分享各自国家及地域的文化或自身的国际化工作和学习经历,来看看他们是谁:

The event will start with wonderful presentations by 6 guests and then come to open discussions. Focusing on “Why Go Abroad”, 6 speakers will share the culture of their home countries as well as their global experience.

   Pavle Mocilac,克罗地亚籍,核学院教授。他将介绍欧洲中南部国家克罗地亚的风土人情和旖旎风光并分享他在中国的工作经历。

Pavle Mocilac, Croatian, Professor of School of Nuclear Science and Technology.

    Frank Saigné,法国籍,外国语学院法语教师,具有DALF/DELF考官资质。他将带你领略浪漫的法国文化,为什么要去法国?你将在这里找到答案。

Frank Saigné is a French language teacher from School of Foreign Languages and   Literatures and holds qualifications as a DALF/DELF examiner.


    Ashok Kumar Pokharel,尼泊尔籍,西部生态协同中心副研究员。尼泊尔是南亚内陆山国,位于喜马拉雅山南麓,具有独特的气候环境。你会在Ashok博士的精彩讲述间发现并感受这个山地国家的魅力。

Ashok Kumar Pokharel, Nepalese, is an Associate Researcher of Collaborative   Innovation Center for Western Ecological Safety.


Zhu Runping, Associate Professor of School of Journalism and Communication.



Jiang Xulan, student from Cuiying Honors College, will share his wonderful   experiences of studying abroad.


Chai Yiting, student from Cuiying Honors College. She will share her   unforgettable stories of studying abroad.



Time: 14:30-17:00, December 21st

Place: Zhihui Space, 2nd floor of Students Activity Center, Chengguan Campus

有趣的话题、实用的分享、轻松的交流,还有温暖的咖啡和美味的甜点,你是不是对活动期待满满呢,第二期 “Thursday Salon”已向你发出邀请,欢迎加入!

    Are you ready ? Come and join us!



You are kindly requested to scan the QR code above and register before December 19th. We will send invitation messages to those who have successfully registered. Please remember to bring your campus ID card for entry.

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