President Yan Chunhua Meets with the ERAS Society Delegation

2023-10-21 12:32:00

On October 20th, the delegation of 11 internationally acclaimed experts and scholars of the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Society (the ERAS Society) led by Prof. Torben Mogensen, former Executive Vice President of Hvidovre Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, visited Lanzhou University (LZU). President Yan Chunhua met with the delegation at the Yifu Science Building, accompanied by heads of the First Hospital of LZU and the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange.

President Yan Chunhua extended warm welcome to the guests and expressed sincere gratitude for their contribution to the medical talents cultivation for LZU as well as the medical and health services in Gansu Province. He pointed out that LZU will continue to work closely with the ERAS Society to further conduct deeper cooperation in ERAS and ambulatory surgery in the future.

Prof. Torben Mogensen congratulated the First Hospital of LZU on its achievements in ERAS in recent years. He put forward constructive suggestions for the medical education of LZU from the aspect of student management, teaching modes, and simulation experiments.

The delegation expressed their expectations for cooperation with LZU in medical talent cultivation, scientific research and clinical trials at the meeting, and hoped that more medical talents from LZU can enter the world stage and contribute more to the global medical services.

After the meeting, the delegation paid a visit to the History Museum of LZU.



