Yuan Zhanting meets with Muskingum University delegation

2019-03-11 11:42:00

On Mar 8, 2019, Susan Kay Hasseler, president of Muskingum University (USA) and his colleagues visited Lanzhou University (LZU) upon its invitation. Accompanied by vice-president Li Yuming and staff members of Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, Party secretary Yuan Zhanting met with the American delegation in the VIP Hall of the university’s Run Run Shaw Science Building.


Yuan welcomed Hasseler’s delegation, introduced LZU and reviewed the cooperation between the two universities in student exchange, scientific research and joint painting exhibitions since 2003. He also thanked the American university for cutting tuition and accommodation fees for LZU students and providing them with campus internship opportunities. Based on its unique location advantages, ecological environment and cultural resources, LZU is devoted to basic research and applied research, Yuan said. He welcomed students of Muskingum University to study at LZU,and expected that the two sides can expand cooperation and strengthen mutual visits by faculty and students so as to promote comprehensive and in-depth cooperation. Yuan urged relevant staff of LZU to keep in touch with the American partner to jointly formulate feasible cooperation plans.

Hasseler introduced the history and academic features of Muskingum University, saying that it has benefited much from the student exchange programs of the two universities during the past 15 years. Since the two sides have developed a solid partnership, a purpose of her present visit is to further strengthen the partnership and expand cooperation to benefit more students and teachers, she said.


Hasseler and her delegation also visited the Electron Microscopy Center and the library of LZU.




