International Cooperation and Communication Office


LZU Delegation Visits Universities in Italy

Release time:2023-11-14

From November 5 to 7, led by Party Secretary of CPC Lanzhou University (LZU) Committee Ma Xiaojie, the delegation visited University of Pisa (UniPi), University of Padua (UniPd) and International University College of Turin (IUC), Italy.


Party Secretary Ma Xiaojie met with UniPi Vice Rector Prof. Giovanni Federico Gronchi and said UniPi and LZU are both prestigious universities with remarkable academic influence, and hoped to take this visit as an opportunity to further enhance the cooperation based on the signed cooperation agreement in the first half of 2023. He also expressed gratitude to Prof. Pompeo Della Posta for delivering a keynote speech in 2023 Forum of University Alliance of the Belt and Road on behalf of UniPi and invited Vice Rector Giovanni Federico Gronchi to visit LZU in the future. Vice Rector Giovanni Federico Gronchi extended warm welcome to the delegation and introduced achievements of UniPi in physics, mathematics, computer science, literature, economics and management, and also expressed expectations for the cooperation with LZU.


At UniPi, the delegation conducted in-depth discussion with heads of International Office, Department of Computer Science and Department of Economics and Management. UniPi listed LZU as the partner university of 2024 ERASMUS+ Programme to jointly apply for EU funding so as to build a mutual exchange platform for students, administrative and teaching staff. Both sides agreed to promote the implementation of mutual recognition of credits, joint cultivation and joint degree programs in physics, mathematics, computer science, economics and management, and support the Nobel Prize winners, distinguished alumni and scholars of UniPi to conduct academic exchanges and scientific research with LZU.


At UniPd, Party Secretary Ma Xiaojie met with Vice Rector Prof. Massimiliano Zattin. Both sides exchanged in-depth views on the Sino-foreign cooperative education, “3+1+1” program in geosciences as well as the cooperation in medicine and agreed to establish closer ties to promote continuous cooperation. LZU has made a series of positive academic achievements since the cooperation with UniPd in 2020. He hoped to continuously conduct academic exchanges and explore deeper cooperation between the two sides in talent cultivation, personnel exchange and scientific research in the future.


UniPd consented to conduct cooperation with LZU in student tuition-free exchange programs, programs funded by UniPd, and ERASMUS+ Programme, and will encourage and support UniPd students to take part in LZU international summer camp in 2024 to carry out the geological and geomorphological scientific expedition in Qilian Mountain. UniPd will jointly apply for the fund of ERASMUS+ Programme with LZU to support mutual exchanges of students, teaching and administrative staff between two universities.


During the visit to UniPd, Party Secretary Ma Xiaojie also met with IUC Director, Prof. Giuseppe Mastruzzo. Both sides renewed the cooperation agreement and inaugurated the Center for Chinese Studies, IUC.