International Cooperation and Communication Office


Ukraine President Advisor visits Lanzhou University

Release time:2018-11-07

On October 31th, Igor Gryniv Svetlana Aleksijevitj, the advisor to Ukrainian President, led a delegation of 15 members, including president of the National Academy of Presidential Administration of Ukraine, dean of Ukraine National Lviv Conservatory of Music, president of National Political Theorists Association, to visit LZU, accompanied by Ding Jianwei, councillor of the Chinese Embassy in Ukraine. Yan Chunhua, president of LZU and vice president Pan Baotian met with them. 


Yan Chunhua expressed welcome to the delegation and introduced LZU’s preponderant discipline and historical reforms. He noted that LZU would take the opportunity of constructing the Belt and Road Initiative to strengthen educational cooperation with the countries along the Belt and Road, including Ukraine.

Gryniv said that Ukraine has attached great importance to the friendly relationship with China, especially in bilateral educational cooperation. He also noted that Ukraine has strong interests in China’s rich history, culture and education, and the prospects for the bilateral cooperation is promising. 



Later, Yan Chunhua signed the agreement with president of the National Academy of Presidential Administration of Ukraine to co-host international conference on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the Belt and Road Innitiative. Memorandum of Understanding and Agreement on Academic Cooperation was also signed by Yan and president of Ukraine National Lviv Conservatory of Music. Yan issued appointment letters to president of the national Academy of Presidential Administration of Ukraine, dean of Ukraine National Lviv Conservatory of Music and president of National Political Theorists Association as guest professors.

(Translated by Sun Lianyue; proofread by Yang Han; edited by Zhang Yuyuan)