International Cooperation and Communication Office


Recruitment Notice of Institute for Studies in County Economy Development (Institute for Studies in Rural Revitalization Strategy)

Release time:2018-09-17

Lanzhou University boasts a national key comprehensive university among world-class universities (Class A), which is directly affiliated by the Ministry of Education.

Institute for Studies in County Economy Development (Institute for Studies in Rural Revitalization Strategy) serves as a consultation platform belonging to Lanzhou University. Focusing on the county economy to boost rural revitalization since its establishment and adhering to the development principles of contributing for support and serving for local development, the institute has been actively participated in the cause of facilitating the economic and social development in accordance with national strategies as the local party committee leads and guides. Therefore, by providing high-level researches on policy consultation and problem-based theories, the institute is committed to local economic growth through intelligence support as it dives into universal or distinctive issues and difficulties, thus providing a series of decision-making measures by its think tank. In so doing, the institute is able to incubate innovation, schemes and drives for creative, coordinated and shared development of the county economy. Besides, the institute can also serve as a class to promote green development and attract more elites to bolster open economic growth at county level. This institute aims to be upgraded into a universally-known academic exchange platform with decision-making influence and social credit in 2020. In 2025, the institute is expected to be a significant part of new type of Chinese think-tank system. 

To build an elite team with innovative thinking and full potential as the researching capability is enhanced, we have issued this recruitment notice based on the Management Measures for Supplementary of Various Personnel of Lanzhou University and our human resources reality.

I. Position Vacancy

Researcher and Youth Researcher

II. Position Description

1. Public Administration (Administrative Management, Land Resource Management, Labor and Social Security, Government Performance Management, Public Policy and Urban Management).

2. Agricultural and Forestry Economic Management (Economic Management on Agriculture, Rural and Regional Development, Economic management on Prataculture).

3. Business Administration (Tourism Management, Businesses Management and Financial Management).

4. Applied Economics (Regional Economy, Industrial Economy, Cameralistics, Finance, Quantitative Economics and Labor Economy).

5. Geography (Human Geography, Resource Environment and Urban and Rural Planning Management).

6. Urban and Rural Planning (Regional Development and Planning, Urban and Rural Planning and Design, Urban and Rural Planning Management).

7. Theoretical Economics (Western Economics, Population Resources and Environmental Economics).

III. Minimum Requirements

i.           Researcher

1. In principle, the researchers should be at most 40 years old with good health, academic morality, tough mental quality and he or should be prudent in research with strong team-work spirit.

2. Doctors who are qualified to be Associated Professors and from renowned universities world-wide and certificated as Associated Professors or above. And they have issued high-quality academic achievements as the first authors or the second authors (if their tutors must be the first authors).besides, they are required to have hosted provincial-level or above fund projects.

3. The researchers should be capable of writing consultant reports on key issues and policies and hot-spot issues of county economy and rural revitalization based on national and local major strategies for socio-economic growth.

4. In line with the school's “Double First-Class” construction and research development demands, the researchers should be able to publish high-quality achievements in areas such as regional economy, ecological economy, regional finance, resource environment, county governance, industrial development, county economy, rural revitalization “Belt and Road” Initiative.

ii.           Youth Researcher

1. In principle, the youth researchers should be at most 40 years old with good health, academic morality, tough mental quality and he or she will be prudent in research with strong team-work spirit.

2. The youth researchers need to have acquired doctor’s degrees in renowned universities or institutions at home and abroad and should be certificated as Associated Professor or above. Besides, those who are qualifies to the above conditions and have the experiences in postdoctoral researches or to study abroad for more than a year or above will be preferred.

3. In line with the school's “Double First-Class” construction and research development demands, the youth researchers should be able to publish high-quality achievements in areas such as regional economy, ecological economy, regional finance, resource environment, county governance, industrial development, county economy, rural revitalization and “Belt and Road” Initiative.

4. The youth researchers should be able to work as full-time staff of the institute.

5. The youth researchers should be able to grasp the development frontier of this discipline and having achieved certain academic achievements; having the potential to be academic leaders.

The employees must satisfy at least one of the following conditions:

The first one:  At least 2 papers have been issued in journals in SCI, SSCI, A&HCI as the first author (if as the second authors, they should be students or teachers with the first authors) or as the correspondent authors.

The second one: At least 4 papers have been published in domestic authoritative journals, at least one of which is in the domestic top journals.

The third one:  At least one National Social Science Fund Project or one National Natural Science Foundation Project has been hosted by the employees.

The fourth one:  Half of quantity of the above first and second requirement has been met by the employees. 

IV. Salaries and Welfares

i.           Researcher

1. The school pays salaries for the faculty according to the National Salary Standards of the universities under the Ministry of Education, and offers sufficient research start-up funds.

2. Housing subsidies and housing fees, temporary apartments etc. are provided to the faculty in accordance with the school policies.

3. The offerings of the faculty have access to our universities and living communities.

ii.           Youth Researcher

1. 300,000 Yuan of annual salary before paying taxes (including five social insurances and one housing fund) will be provided for each youth researcher and the specific criteria are defined in the employment contract.

2. In accordance with relevant state regulations, the school purchases social insurances such as medical care for each youth researcher and temporary apartments will be offered.

3. The youth researchers will be recruited as master’s tutors.

4. 0.5-1.5 million Yuan of research start-up fund will be provided to each youth researcher.

5. The youth researchers will be actively promoted to apply for various national talents projects.

6. The institute will offer offices and relevant equipment to each youth researcher.

7. No requirements on teaching workload will be dispatched to the youth researchers within the term of the employment (before becoming the official faculty).

8. The offerings of the youth researchers have access to our universities and living communities.

V. Management and Appraisal

i.  Researcher

Personnel management and performance appraisal will be implemented based on Management and Appraisal Methods on the Lanzhou University and the Institute.

ii. Youth Researcher

1. Youth researchers will be managed based on the contracts. The university, the institute and employers will jointly sign the employment contract with 5 years of the term of employment.

2. The Performance Appraisal is divided into mid-term and appointment-term (meaning before becoming the official faculty) appraisal. When the appraisal is conducted, personnel’s ideological and political performance report and working progress report should be submitted, in which the ideological and political performance is vital with one-vote veto qualification.

3. The annual appraisal is organized by the institute, and those who fail in the med- term (in 3 years) appraisal are no longer employed.

4. Before becoming the official faculty, in the three-year mid-term appraisal, at least one National Social Science Fund Project or the National Natural Science Foundation Project should be applied and approved by each youth researcher. At least 4 consultation reports in terms of hotspots, key issues and major strategies of the national and local economic and social development must be submitted to the provincial and ministerial level and above and at least one of them should be adopted by the government.

Besides, the following academic achievements should be issued as the first or correspondent author.

The first one: 4 papers need to be issued in journals in SCI, SSCI or A&HCI

The second one: 6 papers need to be issued in journals in CSSCI and at least 3 papers need to be issued in A-class journals.

The third one: The total number of papers published in the top journals of SCI, SSCI, A&HCI, and CSSCI is no less than 4.

5. The appointment-term appraisal will be carried out based on the contract regulations. The appointment-term appraisal is divided into two stages: mid-term and final appraisal. The mid-term appraisal shall be conducted in the third year of employment, and if fails, the youth researchers will be dismissed immediately. If they pass the appraisal, the contract is still valid. The final appraisal shall be conducted in the fifth year of the employment, and those who fail the appraisal will be dismissed. Otherwise, the appraisees will be employed as official faculty with the official post and corresponding salary.

VI. Application Materials

1. Resumes (in Chinese or in English).

2. List of issued papers (including 3-5 representative works) or other academic achievements.

3. The past research working summaries.

4. Forwarding research plans.

VII. Contact information

Contact Person:Mr. Wu


Address: No. 1822 Office, Qiyun Building, Lanzhou University, No. 222 Tianshui Nan Road, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province

Zip Code: 730000

We are looking forward your participation!

Institute for Studies in County Economy Development

Institute for Studies in Rural Revitalization Strategy

Sep 17, 2018