International Cooperation and Communication Office


Gou Xiaohua meets with heads of international organizations

Release time:2023-08-29

On Aug 23, Jurg Luterbacher, chief scientist at WMO, Cao Jinghua, executive director at the secretariat of Alliance of International Science Organizations, Yi Zhijun, director at the Chinese branch of IYBSSD, Dr. Pankaj Kumar at International Geographical Union, and other heads of international organizations visited Lanzhou University (LZU). Gou Xiaohua, vice-president of LZU, met with the guests on behalf of the university.

The representatives from all sides had in-depth discussions on such issues as joint scientific research and talent cultivation through international organizations, and LZU and WMO reached the intention of inter-university cooperation. Gou said that in the post-epidemic era, it is particularly relevant to effectively expand and deepen international cooperation and exchanges. She expected, therefore, to give full play to LZU’s location advantage to explore new ways of exchange with international organizations, creating opportunities for its faculty and students to intern in the organizations and carry out substantive cooperation.

Delegates of the international organizations said that they welcome the faculty and students of LZU to apply with them for internship positions, and look forward to extensive cooperation with the university in geography, atmospheric science, geology, ecology, environmental archaeology, historical studies, Dunhuang studies, pedagogy, etc., to further enhance educational and cultural exchanges and build a better platform for inter-regional academic development.

The attendees of the meeting also exchanged views on University Alliance of the Belt & Road and the enrollment of international students. Also present were heads of LZU’s Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, School of International Cultural Exchange, and College of Earth and Environmental Sciences.